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Become A Partner

Request for Support

This premier, rural Iowa immersive and integrated experience is a catalyst for agritourism and sparking interest in our rural Iowa communities. After scaling to three communities in 2024, we have determined that although we wish to keep expanding the EOH immersive events, we need to capitalize on existing rural community events and help promote those events and/or help them add on an authentic, immersive tour to their events. These events elevate the visibility of our rural Iowa communities, provide an authentic hands-on agriculture experience, and showcase how agriculture and the very nature of our small towns can be used for tourism and economic development opportunities.

Thanks to the foundational support from Travel Iowa, Emerge Marketing Solutions continues to scale this experience to showcase even more rural communities, businesses, agriculture, and non-profit organizations. In order to create an unprecedented, immersive rural Iowa agritourism experience across the state of Iowa, it is necessary to secure additional funding to offset the cost of marketing and create the best foundation for success. Your generosity as a pillar of rural Iowa is requested to achieve the greatest success with this endeavor.

Sponsorship Payment Deadline

July 1, 2025

To receive full benefits.

Sponsorships are available on a first-come, first-served basis

Statewide Scale-Up Partnerships

These partnerships will help to scale Evolution of the Heartland over the next several years.
Eventually these partners will support all events during a given year.

Local Event Partnerships

These partnerships help to cover costs of event expenses and services.

Become a Partner

Complete the Form

Mail your check  to:

Emerge Marketing Solutions
1154 130th St.
Manning, IA 51455